Thank you for considering a financial gift* towards the ministry here at Community. We consider your giving like we do our own, an act of worship - giving back to God in worship and investing in what He's doing through us!
You can choose to give online using your credit card or via Online Banking, by selecting the appropriate link below. If you use the credit card option, you can designate a specific ministry or category when you give. If you select the online banking option and would like to designate the donation to a specific ministry or category other than the general fund, please send Felicia an email with the details.
*Please note: If we exceed our target for particular project/ministry, giving will be allocated to other projects/ministries at Community Church.
For Community Church partners, our regular tithes/offerings can be given through the giving options below – the Online Banking option will always be allocated to the General fund unless you instruct Felicia otherwise. If you have any questions about other methods of giving available, please contact Felicia.
To give via Online Banking.
To give via Credit Card
*Please note: If we exceed our target for particular project/ministry, giving will be allocated to other projects/ministries at Community Church.
If you've looked around the CC property lately, you will note that our beloved historic building is in need of repair and updating both inside and out. Please help us meet our goal of $150,000.
To give via Online Banking.
To give via Credit Card
Missions Focus - 2025
We would like to highlight our local and international Missions partners! We currently support several missionary individuals or organizations; locally, nationally and internationally. We also continue to help where we can, when the need arises.
Marcel Knot (E3) Eric Mainse ( YFC Waterdown )
Atwell Centre Carlo Rosati (Bethel St. Mary's)
International Missionaries
and more local outreach like our local food banks etc . . .
If you choose to donate via the Online Banking option, please also send Felicia an email indicating that the donation is intended for the “Love Your Neighbour – Missions” campaign.
To donate via Online Banking:
If you choose to donate via the Credit Card option, please select “Missions” in the drop-down menu.
To donate via Credit Card:
*Please note: If we exceed our target for particular project/ministry, giving will be allocated to other projects/ministries at Community Church.