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Fall Groups


Our Interest Community Groups are centred around what you love to do. Low pressure, and high on fun! Find a community to belong to today!



We are scheduled to bring a team of 8 people each time.

Check with Sue for our available dates!

We start between 8 and 8:30 am and will finish up by 11:30 am.

Location: Cambridge


Our Community Groups are centred around relationship. Whether you are new to faith, or been involved for a long time, these are great groups to invest in meaningful relationship. 




J.O.Y stands for just older youth and we love to connect as well as build friendships. This amazing evening of fun is for adults over 50 that know they are "just older youth"! So we invite you to join us for dinner and connection throughout the year!


We are the ‘GET’ group and this is our purpose;

  • Growing – We believe that the antidote to the chaos in life is growth in the love of Christ and that the transformative change that brings peace and joy is found through continuous growth infaith, through the Word.

  • Encouraging –Encouragement is a gift we give each other. Our experiences, our gifts and even our challenges allow us to walk beside others and be an encouragement. We all have a part to fill in the encouragement of the body of Christ.

  • Together - Community is God’s plan for us. None of us were meant to do life alone and true connection is established when we spend time together. That is why we break for Christmas and the summer but then join back to journey with each other.

GET: Growing and Encouraging Together

What we do
Our group meets together to watch various bible series topics, from a group of teaching Pastors
and then discuss the content to apply it to our lives. Our study topics can go for a few weeks or a lengthier time dependent on the topic, but what never changes is our intention to grow and
encourage together.

When we meet
We meet every second Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the home of Terry and Faith
Hogeveen, 1337 Centre Rd. Carlisle


New Series starting September 19th
Letters of the New Testament, a look into the letters that follow Acts so that we can understand who wrote each book, who it was written to, what it meant then, and what it means for us today.
We hope to finish up this study with a great understanding of what changed the world as we
know it, and discuss how that shapes and forms our lives today. It will be an awesome time of
discovery and fellowship and we invite you to join the journey by connecting with Faith
Hogeveen, or Cheryl Campbell,


We’d love you to be a part of GET.

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Our Study Community Groups are curriculum based study groups. Want to jump deeper into theology? These groups are perfect for you!


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All men from 14 to 114 are invited to join us in person as we look at living for Christ in our daily lives today.  Each week is it's own tidbit so don't worry if you missed a week or two - we always do a quick recap and the resources are available for you to catch-up!

Living for Christ in a Culture that Doesn’t

What is God’s will for our lives, and why is it important to know? In this eight-session series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us that Jesus calls us to live our faith openly, letting the world see our allegiance to him. When we are being faithful, pressing against culture, others can’t help but notice. As we live confident of our good future in God’s kingdom, we show the world where—and in whom—their hope lies.



Ladies meet together to connect, discuss and explore women in the Bible.  For more details connect with Michelle using the link below.

Find A Community Group That Works For You.

At Community we believe that authentic relationships builds authentic faith!  We encourage you whether you come to the church or not, if you are new to the faith, or don't yet know what faith is - to plug into the community group that best fits your schedule! 

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Contact Michelle

If you any questions regarding our groups or interested in leading one, give Michelle a shout!

Thanks! Message sent.

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